Staying Active at Home

The WHO recommends that all healthy adults do 30 minutes of physical activity a day, and children should aim for at least an hour. While gyms may not be the safest place to go right now, there are many ways you can stay in shape in the comfort of your own home!

1. Watch online yoga, dance or aerobics classes - check out YouTube for tons of classes you can follow along with.

2. Download fitness apps that offer tons of exercise programs. There are many programs that are also free online. Try a 30-day challenge or daily exercise that you find online.

3. Practice bodyweight exercises such as squats, planks and push-ups. These are very effective in burning calories and help achieve overall muscle building and fitness!

4. Avoid being too sedentary by standing up whenever possible. Aim to stand and stretch every 30 minutes. Especially if you work from home at a desk job, try to get up and stretch those legs every so often.

5. Get creative and find household items to lift (water jugs, bags of rice, etc) After a trip to the grocery store, why not try some arm curls with that heavy soda bottle you just bought! 
