
December 13, 2022

Choggiung Limited and Alaska Commercial Company Announce Sale of N&N Market

DILLINGHAM, December 12, 2022 —Choggiung Limited and Alaska Commercial Company (AC) are pleased to announce that AC will be acquiring the N&N Market in Dillingham from Choggiung Limited, effective December 20, 2022. With this acquisition, AC will expand on its offering to Dillingham and the Bristol Bay region. 

Throughout 2023, AC plans to invest over $1 million dollars on renovations in Dillingham. The work includes a remodel of N&N to convert the 18,000 square foot facility into a general merchandise store and retail marketplace, a new full-service deli/bakery in the main AC store, and the conversion of AC’s current general merchandise store into a warehouse. The warehouse will allow AC to keep a large backstock of products and to use the barging season to stockpile shelf-stable products at a lower cost for sale throughout the year. Overall, this acquisition will lead to an improvement in shopping experience for Dillingham and surrounding community residents. 

”The sale represents a new beginning for the store and continuation of the legacy of N&N Market, just under a new banner,” said Choggiung President & CEO Cameron Poindexter. “To help keep the history of this locally owned and operated business for over 45 years alive, we’d like to invite community members to share photos of notable events, like construction or visits from famous people, with us so that we can support AC paying tribute to this longtime Dillingham institution.” 

“We are excited to be able to expand our product and service offering in Dillingham,” said AC President Kyle Hill. “We plan to ensure a seamless transition as we take ownership of N&N and will be extending employment offers to all N&N staff. We will also launch a monthly shareholder shopping day with a 10% discount for all Choggiung shareholders and a daily elder discount.” 

Choggiung Limited is the largest village corporation in the Bristol Bay region with more than 2,400 shareholders and is headquartered in Dillingham, Alaska. AC is the longest-serving retail chain in Alaska with over 150 years’ experience selling groceries and general merchandise in 35 stores across rural Alaska. 

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